Saturday, October 31, 2015

The People Formerly Known as the Audience

      The article "The People Formerly Known as the Audience" is about how all media related audience is divided into different branches. The former audience are the present speakers. Formers use to write the words that express the highlights upon the news. They put attention to the front headings and actual wordings of the running situations. It was the most common way that people use to listen the news at one time through one way. At that time, listeners were only the listeners while the speakers could only speak what they have given (Gillmor, D).  The journalist approaches to the right place of incidence and gives the overview over the media that was only television at that time.
Time changed as so the listeners and speakers are. They started using various aids to their news in their writing and speaking skills. Just because people want them to alter their ways in this way. media partially divided into radio, television and newspaper first then go internet. While changing, television response in some different ways by providing different channels to the television Steiner, P. O. (1952). Now there is some personal thoughts, questioning, commenting and discussion points are given over there. News are altered with the deep explanations with photos and internet use to give live transmission on television.
Radio included different channels at different places that established pod casting. Big- media that is the name of videos, got recognition on large screens. Videos could be given on internet. Social media has now completely filled the unfilled place on media or news system. The time reflects the era where every listener can become a speaker and every speaker goes more powerful in adding their own points with the news headings.

The level of explanation extended the power of journalists and their way of professional working. They got certain rights everywhere and no one can even stop them from commenting or interviewing anything. All these changes arose a big question of the remaining listeners Windahl, S. (1984). If every listener becomes speaker that there will be no listener left behind and personal commenting replace with the reality.


PressThink: The People Formerly Known as the Audience. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Gillmor, D. (2006). We the media: Grassroots journalism by the people, for the people. " O'Reilly Media, Inc.".
Steiner, P. O. (1952). Program patterns and preferences, and the workability of competition in radio broadcasting. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 194-223.
Levy, M. R., & Windahl, S. (1984). Audience activity and gratifications a conceptual clarification and exploration. Communication research, 11(1), 51-78.